Planning a Wedding Without My Mother by Lori Reynoso

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When we began our search for our BrideBox Blogging Brides, we were simply overwhelmed by all the amazing stories we received. One in particular stood out to us and although she didn’t quite meet the requirements to become a Blogging Bride, we wanted to share her unique story with our readers regardless. So without further ado, we’re pleased to introduce Lori Reynoso.


Lori Reynoso

In January of 2010 I lost the most important person in my world; the kind, compassionate, generous and amazingly wonderful woman I called my mother. I know everyone thinks their mom is the best and coolest mom in the world but she REALLY was! And there were tons of people that agreed with me.  I remember growing up and having numerous friends and family members say “I wish she was my mom” but she wasn’t theirs, she was all mine 🙂 Don’t get me wrong, we fought ALL the time (I can be quite a pain in the butt), but we loved ten times harder and laughed a million times more profoundly. So when she suddenly passed away from surgical complications that were exacerbated by a large tumor in her pancreas, I vowed that I’d never walk down the aisle without her.

Lori Reynoso

I had promised myself that I would never have a wedding. And to be honest, I was still saying that up until a few months ago. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve always wanted to get married. I believe in the sanctity and beauty of marriage and I believe in true love. What I thought I wouldn’t be able to do, was to choose a venue, peruse invitations and go shopping for a wedding gown without her. To not have her opinion on colors and designs, to accomplish all I have done so far, without her by my side, emotionally supporting me every step of the way. But one of the most motivating and inspiring things that my fiancé has told me is that she is here.  I wouldn’t be the woman I am today and have the integrity and personality I have, had it not been for her impact on my life.  That all of the decisions I’ve been making for our special day are influenced by her, by her memory.  That she is present in the details, because she is present in me.


Last year one of my dearest friends had been telling me to approach him for weeks. “He’s cute, he’s coming to church with his MOM (how adorable is that?!), stop being silly and just go up to him and say hello!” But I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I thought he was out of my league – tall, muscular, handsome. I’m not trying to be self-deprecating, I know I have pretty awesome qualities myself but I simply thought he’d be more interested in someone different. But there was one Sunday in particular that I couldn’t help but notice him, noticing me. We had to have made eye contact about a dozen times and I couldn’t help but feel butterflies. I remember smiling to myself and thinking “hmmmm, what if?” I didn’t want to get too ahead of myself but the excitement and anticipation of getting to know someone new was in full force. I was about to turn 30 and I was looking forward to starting my own family; to meeting someone special, someone with similar goals and interests. I was ready to find “the one.”


Lori Joseph ReynosoThe very next day I decided that I would put all of my reservations aside and approach him. Of course I didn’t have the nerve to do it in person though so I went to the next best thing: Facebook lol! And what I expected to be a 5-10 minute casual “hello”, turned out to be a full blown 2+ hour conversation that consisted of hilarity, sincerity and instant familiarity/comfort. Highlights of the conversation include: TONS of laughter, Android vs. iPhone debates, exchange of phone numbers and the first time he called me “beautiful.” In short, the conversation was perfection, and it set the standard and tone for every one of our interactions from then on.  It was that day that we started to fall in love, and we have been falling ever since.


It was hard to believe that someone would be able to sweep me off my feet so intensely, that I’d want to go through the roller coaster ride that is planning a wedding, but he did.  He makes me want to declare my love for him and exchange vows with him in front of God and in front of my family and friends.  And although her loss still weighs heavily on me daily, (there really is no remedy or cure for this kind of tragedy), I am more consumed and motivated by our love and by the unshakable belief that this, above all else, is what she wanted: for me to have found true love and true happiness.

Lori and Joseph Reynoso BrideBox


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